In a complex, Chaotic world, living moralities, upright life is a challenge and hard to decide, ‘What Is Right’. Despite this, many people are apparently engaged in doing the right things and are trying to lead meaningful lives. They are doing charity and simultaneously are dutiful towards their families and jobs. They are observing integrity in their day to day dealings. Adhering to truth and doing all that comes within the ambit of an ideal life.
The question is at a deeper level, what is right are justifiably right? A mythological book states, “your action will be judged by your intention.” Charity, which is not the corollary of compassion, is ostensibly good. But s/he who helps other for acquiring name and fame for him or herself, will not be earning credit for his good karma account.
An apparently devoted son or daughter, taking good care of his or her old, affluent parents may motivate more by greed than true love. Do they really know what is right? A government official holding a lucrative post may be practicing honesty for two reasons. S/he may be a self – inspired, inherently principle individual who is honest simply because s/he ought to be. Or, s/he may honest for fear of being caught and penalized. While the former act can be termed right, the latter, though right outwardly, cannot tag right. It’s only when in action comes from the heart with no thought of reward, can it be called pure and selfless.
Righteousness cannot thrust on anyone. We do not become good by trying to be good. Because we exactly don’t know what is right. We have to find that is already within us and permit that goodness to emerge to permeate our thoughts, words, and deeds. Also, no one is good by accident. Virtue has to be learned and] spirituality is the path to virtue.
Generally, its observed that we are compelled to embark on a spiritual due to two reason. Firstly, when a smooth, controllable life is suddenly smothered some unforeseen catastrophe, leaving us gasping for breath, we intuitively seek solace in spirituality. It is during our darkest moment, seeking the light that the seeds of goodness germinate. Vice versa, when we choose to be blind to the light, when we prefer to wallow in self – pity or blame others for our misfortune, then goodness saves us from sin.
Secondly, when all our material needs and sensory desires have been fully satiated but we still find ourselves floundering in a sea of unhappiness and discontentment, the moment of epiphany comes. It is the same as the dilemma what is right for us and what is wrong. This is a time when the tinsel of the outer world loses its sheen, leaving us disillusioned and perplexed. We spontaneously turn inward. A relentless quest for eternal joy commences, this being the portal to achieving goodness.
Indian tradition offers many spiritual paths for our self-enhancement. Whatever purifies us that is the right path for us. A consistent spiritual growth is that of yoga. It navigates us on an inner pilgrimage to connect with our core which is essentially pure, divine and ever blissful, where there are deep reservoirs of truth and wisdom. Yoga is self-discovery. Tenacious yoga leads to a paradigm shift in our inner world resulting in detachment from temporal temptations. Yoga leads to a gradual evolution and comprehensive transformation at a profound level. Through yoga, we diagnose our all toxic thought inside by positive thought and after sometimes continually doing this on the daily routine basis we feel automatically change within.
The rectitude and perfection thus attained, in time, through the yogic path, starts getting reflected in all facets our life. Doing right for the right reason becomes an effortless way of life.